Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ship My Pants: Kmart's Saving Grace?

Four days ago, Kmart released their new commercial online, before it even went to television.  As of today, it has gone viral, with close to 6,000,000 views.  Why is this video so great?  It's hilarious!

The video goes on about how people can "ship their pants", insinuating another similar phrase.  Here's the video:

So, as you can see, the video has a great twist that gets you not only paying attention, but laughing as well.  The buzz on Facebook and Twitter are continually growing.  #Shipmypants is trending on Twitter.  So, will this help Kmart?  I'm sure this will generate lots of attention for Kmart and their business, but will it get people into their store?  I know I love a great commercial as much as the next person, but that doesn't get me to buy their products.  Of course, who knows where this will lead Kmart.  This might be their first string of remarketing tactics.  All I know is they sure know how to make a great commercial.

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